A Warm Place

A beautiful, wise, and warm man's book has closed. His name was Tim Kimrey. Tim was warmth. Tim was welcome. Tim was a friend as soon as you crossed his threshold.
Many of us crossed his threshold over the years. Tim had a physically debilitating disease which made it difficult for him to go out. So... he created a house concert series at his home so the music and the friends came to him.
He still went out now and then though. The last show I watched alongside him was on June 18, 2005. Alejandro Escovedo, Caitlin Cary and Thad Cockrell were at the Cat's Cradle, just down the road from where Tim lived in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We talked for a long time before the show, he sitting in his wheelchair, me scrunching down beside him, basking in his amazing spirit. We talked about birds and shrubbery and Los Angeles. The show was sublime, seeing it with Tim made it all the more special.
Here is a very nice photo essay about him by a UNC-Chapel Hill student.
Peter Blackstock, co-editor of No Depression magazine wrote this tribute to Tim on his blog, "Peter's Postscripts."
"Music Loses a Friend" was written by David Menconi for the (Raleigh, North Carolina) News and Observer.
Tim was a wellspring of love, passion, fascination and awe. He lived deeply and truly. Many will miss him ~ everyone whose life he touched was changed for the better by him.
Peace to you, my friend.